How to access desktop version of a website from Android?

Many websites nowadays offer both a mobile version and a desktop version so as to give the best user experience for both mobile and computer users. The mobile versions are usually simplified with simpler layout, limited functionality compared to the full desktop version of the site. Some sites let users switch between the mobile and desktop versions via a link which is typically placed at the footer. Many others however don’t offer users the ability to do so. Modern browsers, like Edge, Chrome, Firefox, have a welcome feature ‘Request Desktop Site’ comes to help. In this quick guide, we’ll share with Android users an easier way to access the full desktop version of a site on Android phone and tablet.

How to access desktop version of a website from Android?

Launch the stock internet explorer on your Android. Most Android devices are shipped with the Google Chrome as the default web browser. So we’ll use it in the demo. Tap the Menu at the top right of the Chrome browser, touch to check the box behind ‘Request Desktop Site‘ to enable desktop view from Android phone. Now visit the website in your browser, you’ll see its desktop version loads instead of the mobile version of the site.

request desktop site from chrome browser on android phone

How to enable mobile view of a site from computer?

Is it possible to request a mobile version on PC or Mac? We also find such a function in Chrome, Edge and Firefox. These browsers have this feature in the web developer console.