Disable iMessage Read Receipts on Mac

If you use iMessage to chat with other people using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, there will be a read receipts feature in iMessage let the sender of the message know when you’ve read their message. If the sender sent you a message and you have not read it, the sender can see a small status notifications Delivered, once you read the message, the small status notifications will change to Read. This could be a useful feature sometimes especial in urgent situations.

However most of the time, many people do not like that. The Read Receipts can be intrusive too. Who wants to broadcast when you’ve read a message? And you may just don’t want other people to be notified when you’ve read their messages. There’s an underlying expectation of a reply, too. It’s not something you want to broadcast all the time.

Disable iMessage Read Receipts on Mac

Have you lost text messages in iMessages on iPhone? Do not miss out this guide to recover deleted iMessage text messages on iPhone.

We’ll show you how to turn off iMessage read receipts for Mac in this article.

To turn off iMessage read receipts on a Mac:

1. Open the “Messages” app on Mac OS X
2. Open the preferences pane from the menu bar by clicking on Messages, and then Preferences.
3. Click on the Accounts tab, and then click on your iMessage account in the list on the left side of the window. Then,uncheck the box next to “Send read receipts” to turn off sending read receipts to people when you read their message.

To disable this “Send read receipts”feature, you will disable your iMessage account from sending read receipts when you read someone’s message on your Mac, and instead will only notify that person when their message was delivered.