Listary for Windows FAQ

Listary file search is a powerful search utility for Windows that makes finding your files and launching applications blazing fast. It is easy-to-use, powerful and highly customizable. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help first time users get started quickly.

bopsoft listary for windows
bopsoft listary for windows

How to quickly start a search?

Press the Ctrl key twice to bring up the search window and search anything on your PC.

How to find files on your PC?

Click the Ctrl key twice to bring up the search window, type the name of the file or folder you need, Listary quickly find files and folders across every drive on your system, then opens a browser window with a list of matching files, folders.

How to launch apps?

Click the Ctrl key twice to bring up the search window, type the name of the program you want to open, or use a shortcode, click Return or Enter key, and Listary opens the program.

How to search the web?

Listary includes a plethora of keyword queries for popular sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Youtube, Bing, Amazon, Google Maps and many more. For example, “gg how to make a website” will open Google search results for “how to make a website” in your favorite browser. Similarly, use “bing + keywords” for Bing search, “youtube + keywords” to search video on Youtube, “wiki + keywords” for Wikipedia search, etc.