Stamp date & time on photos on Xiaomi phone

Sometimes the date and time when a photo was taken is very important to us, such as those pictures to be used in a travel log, diet notes, exercise diary. Most modern mobile phones have the ability to automatically add the date and time stamp to photos you take and store the information as part of the EXIF data of your photos. However few of them have a date and time stamp setting to display them on photos. You are lucky if you own a Xiaomi or Redmi phone. In this article, we will show you how to find and enable the option that adds the date and time stamp to your photos on Xiaomi Redmi mobile phones.

Launch Settings on your Mi device, scroll down to the Device section, choose System apps >> Camera >> Add time stamp on photos. After that new pictures you take on your Xiaomi phone will have both date and time displayed on them. The date and time stamp will not only be saved to the Exif metadata of the photo but also visible on the photos.

add time stamp on photos camera app on xiaomi redmi phone`