How to use Wi-Fi Direct on Xiaomi & Redmi phones?

We can find a lot of tools and features from smart phones we use today. A lot of them we do not use at all or do not know how to use them. Wi-Fi direct is one of the new smart phone technology you should know but probably don’t. You can find Wi-Fi direct option in many Android phones, such as Samsung Galaxy phones, LG phones, Xiaomi & Redmi phones. See following guide to use WiFi direct on Samsung mobile phones. If you thought it works the same on other mobile phones, such as Xiaomi or Redmi Android phones, you were wrong, at least for now. Although you can enable Wi-Fi direct on Xiaomi & Redmi phone and then connect Xiaomi & Redmi phones with other phones through Wi-Fi Direct, but you may fail when you send files and documents between them using Wi-Fi Direct. For example, if you try to send files from Samsung to Xiaomi over Wi-Fi Direct, you may fail. If you try to transfer files from Xiaomi or Redmi phones to other phones, you can’t even find the option to share files over Wi-Fi Direct on your phone. What are the goods of Wi-Fi direct on the phone if we can’t use it to share files and documents?

Wi-Fi Direct transfer apps

To use WiFi direct on Xiaomi or Redmi phones, you may use third party files transfer apps which use the WiFi Direct technology. Send Anywhere and SuperBeam are two of the most famous apps that make use of the blazing fast Wi-Fi Direct technology to share any type of media, files and folders without the need of an internet connection.

Send Anywhere is my favorite. It is cross platform, Android, iOS, Windows phones, Amazon Kindle, Windows PC, Mac, Linux. Best of all it is totally free to download and use.

SuperBeam works on Android phones, iOS device, PC or Mac, you can always download it from the App Store for easier file sharing. The free version however has many limits. For example, it is Not ads free which is annoying. You can’t transfer files between mobile and PC unless you pay for the pro version.

Transfer files via WiFi Direct from Xiaomi phone using Send Anywhere?

Send Anywhere is the easiest and fastest way to share files between mobile devices, mobile and computers. Please refer to this guide to transfer files between Android phones via WiFi Direct using this easy-to-use Wifi direct transfer app.

transfer photos via wifi direct from android using send anywhere

How to send files over Wi-Fi Direct from Xiaomi phone using SuperBeam?

Download and install the SuperBeam from Xiaomi App Store or other Android market, such as Google Play. Connect both Xiaomi and the other phone to the same Wi-Fi network. Run the Wi-fi direct file sharing app on your Xiaomi or Redmi phone, the Send screen opens in the app by default, choose any files you like to share, like files & folders, audio & music, photos, videos, apps, documents, contacts, and confirm, you will then get a QR code on the phone screen. On the other device, switch to the Receive screen in the SuperBeam app, you can then scan the QR code which displays on the sender’s phone screen, the selected files and documents will be copied from one phone to the other through Wi-Fi Direct at a blazing fast speed, the typical Wi-Fi speed.
superbeam file sending from android phone

Do I need to turn on Wi-fi Direct manually on Xiaomi phone?

No. SuperBeam will enable Wi-Fi direct for you automatically.

No SuperBeam on the other phone?

No problem! It is fine if the recipient does not have SuperBeam installed on his/her mobile. You can receive the data with any device as long as it has Wi-Fi and a web browser. Once you have selected the files to share via Wi-Fi direct on Xiaomi phone, you will first get a QR code on the phone screen. You need to switch to the Web tab. You will then find two steps to receive files through Wi-Fi direct without the transfer app on the other phone.

  • Step 1. Connect the receiver to the WiFi network as provided. You can see the WiFi network name and password there.
  • Step 2. Type the provided link in the receiver’s browser address bar and visit it. You will then see the files list on the phone screen. You can touch the file name to download a file.

Note that free version allows 5 files to be shared on web interface only. For more files transfer via WiFi direct, you may consider to buy the full version or download and use the free trial app on the receiver’s phone as well.