Read Aloud TTS Voice Reader Chrome extension

Read Aloud is a Chrome extension which uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology to convert webpage text to audio. It allows you to select from a variety of text-to-speech voices, including those provided natively by the browser, as well as by text-to-speech cloud service providers such as Google Wavenet, Amazon Polly, IBM Watson, and Microsoft. Some of the cloud-based voices may require additional in-app purchase to enable.

Read aloud the current web-page article with one click. It can also read PDF, Google Docs, Google Play books, Amazon Kindle, and EPUB (via the excellent EPUBReader extension from

How to use Read aloud to read text on web pages?

Navigate to the web page you want to read, click the Read Aloud icon on the Chrome menu. In addition, the shortcut keys ALT-P, ALT-O, ALT-Comma, and ALT-Period can be used to Play/Pause, Stop, Rewind, and Forward, respectively. You may select the text you want to read before activating the extension. Right clicking on the selected text will provide you with yet another context-menu option to activate Read Aloud.

To change the voice, reading speed, pitch, or enable text highlighting, go to the Options page either by right clicking on the Read Aloud icon and choose Options, or by clicking the Gear button on the extension popup (you’ll need to stop playback to see the Gear button).


Add this extension to your Chrome browser for free from Chrome web store here.

Note that some of the cloud-based voices may require additional in-app purchase to enable.