Add new voices or languages to Read Aloud in Edge browser

If you want to use the Read Aloud tool to read text in a different language on web pages using Edge browser, you have to firstly download the TTS voice for the new language in Windows system. Windows 10 allows users to easily add additional text-to-speech languages and voices from its settings. Here’s how to do that.

Navigate to Start > Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language > Add a language. Choose a language to install dialog pops up from which you can select the language you want from the list.

choose new language to install on windows 10 computer

If you see the Text-to-speech besides or selected language or at the bottom, the TTS voice for the new language is available. Click Next button, the Install language features dialog appears. Here you can choose optional language features you want to install. Simply hit Install button at the bottom, the language will begin to install.

Now access the Read Aloud in Edge browser, you should be able to find the new voices and languages from Voice options > Choose a voice.