Change language of Pointofix

Pointofix is a free screen highlighter software for Windows. By default its language is set to German without a language setting or change to change it to other language. If you need to use Pointofix in your own language, you have to download a separate language pack from this link. You will get a zip file on your PC. Unzip it first, you will get about 20 .ini files for all languages it support, such as pointofix_translation_en.ini for English, pointofix_translation_es.ini for Spanish, pointofix_translation_fr.ini for French, etc. If you like to change the languge of Pointofix from German to English, simply copy the pointofix_translation_en.ini file to the root folder of Pointofix installation on your PC, then rename it from pointofix_translation_en.ini to pointofix_translation.ini. Then restart Pointofix. You can find further information in the readme file within the language pack.

Note that if you downloaded the portable version of Pointofix, it will be in German only and you can’t change its language using the language pack mentioned above.